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Dental Crowns & Bridges in Longview

Dental Crowns

Three Rivers Dental provides dental crowns and bridges in Longview, WA. Call 360-803-8003 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Are Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Dental crowns and bridges are tooth restoration options. A dental crown can be placed over an existing tooth that has extensive damage to the enamel. It preserves the natural root of the tooth, using it for support. Crowns and bridges are cemented in place for a “fixed” solution so they do not come in and out of the patient’s mouth.

A dental bridge is a tooth replacement option when one or more adjacent teeth are missing or need to be replaced. It consists of two dental crowns that fit over the existing teeth on each side of the gap with artificial teeth (pontics) suspended between them. It bridges the gap using the natural teeth for support.

Why Choose Three Rivers Dental?

When it comes to the restoration of teeth, it helps to have options. Three Rivers Dental provides crowns for teeth that can be saved, and bridges for teeth that can’t. Either way, you end up with a functional, natural looking smile. It is our goal to save your natural teeth whenever possible, helping keep them in place for your lifetime. When a tooth is beyond saving, we discuss options for replacement that work best for your needs.

Our patient-centered approach puts you in control of your own dental care. We offer a straightforward explanation that gives you a greater understanding of the problem and the potential solutions. We take the time to listen, taking your preferences and concerns into account when it comes to making a recommendation for dental treatment.

Benefits of Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Dental crowns and bridges offer many dental health benefits:

  • Dental crowns save the natural tooth. The biggest benefit of a dental crown is that it saves the natural tooth, allowing the root to remain in place under the crown for support. The tooth can still function normally, providing adequate bite strength and chewing capabilities.
  • Porcelain crowns look natural. A porcelain crown can be designed to match your existing teeth in size, shape, and color so that it blends in.
  • Bridges are an affordable replacement. A bridge is one of the most affordable tooth replacement options available. In most cases, a bridge costs less than a dental implant.
  • Bridges work with limited jaw bone structure. Unlike a dental implant that requires a solid jaw bone structure to be placed, a bridge doesn’t require any, making it a better option for patients who have had missing teeth for an extended period of time.

Are You a Good Candidate for Crowns or a Bridge?

If you have a tooth with extensive decay or damage, such as multiple cavities or a crack, you may be a good candidate for a dental crown. When there isn’t enough enamel left for a filling, a crown can save the tooth and protect the natural root. Crowns also help prevent biting pain that a person may be experiencing due to cracked enamel in a tooth.

You may be a good candidate for a dental bridge if you have one or more missing or severely damaged teeth in a row. A bridge can replace anywhere from 1-3 adjacent teeth. If teeth have been missing for a while and the jaw bone has weakened or resorbed, a dental bridge provides a replacement solution that sits on top of the gums and doesn’t access the jaw.

Frequently Asked Questions About Crowns and Bridges

What are dental crowns made of?
Crowns can be made of porcelain, metal, or porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain offers the most natural appearance and is strong enough to withstand biting and chewing force. Metal crowns are even stronger, but don’t look like a natural tooth, so they are more often used for back molars.
How long does a dental bridge last?
On average a dental bridge lasts between 10-15 years. However, with good care and maintenance, a bridge can last for 20 years or more. It helps to take good care of your teeth and avoid chewing hard foods in the location of your bridge.
Can a crown fix a cracked tooth?
The appropriate treatment for a cracked tooth depends on the type and severity of the crack. A minor crack in the crown of a tooth that doesn’t reach below the gumline can typically be saved with a crown. A split tooth or a crack that exists below the gum line may mean the tooth will need to be extracted and replaced.
Will a bridge damage my healthy teeth?
The support teeth for a bridge, which are the teeth that the crowns are placed over, can eventually become damaged due to the force of chewing on the bridge. The enamel must also be reduced when the crowns are first placed, and the lost enamel can’t be regenerated.
Should I get a bridge or a dental implant?
Dental implants, when possible, are the best replacement option. They usually last longer than bridges and won’t damage your healthy teeth. Bridges cost less than dental implants, and they work for patients with limited jaw bone structure. We can discuss the options to help you make an informed decision.

Contact Us

Call 360-803-8003 to schedule an appointment.

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620 Triangle Shopping Center, Suite 660 Longview, WA 98632
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